Thursday, December 2, 2010

The kindness—and clickthrough—of strangers

Help a writer run away from home.

Yes, I have undertaken another adventure. This one’s a heavyweight exercise in social media that, with luck and lots of help, will lead the way to more adventures.

I, along with many other hopeful writers/travelers, have written an essay and thrown it hat-like into the ring. Now I must campaign among friends—and strangers—to try to get votes for my entry. The goal I have in my head is 2500. (I have no real idea of how many votes it will take to win. It depends, of course, on how many votes the other entrants manage to rack up.) The deadline is December 31.

Of course, I’m asking all my friends to vote. And asking them to ask their friends. The next step is to come up with creative ways to ask strangers (without being too annoying and, I hope, with some success).

You can help with all steps. First, please vote.

Go to Blog Your Way Around the World and register to vote (supply name and email address, make up a password).

If the registration process doesn’t take you back to my essay page, just type “Sam Sherman” into the Search for Bloggers box. Back at my essay page, click the Vote for Me button. That’s it.

Second, if you would, share my plea with your friends. Give them the link to my essay page and ask them to vote too. To paraphrase an old shampoo commercial: you’ll tell two friends, and they’ll tell two friends, and so on, and so on …

Third, if you have any great ideas for me to get out the word to more folks and get more votes, let me know. I’m thinking of camping out at several local coffee shops with a “Help a Writer Run Away from Home” sign. Any other bright ideas?

With lots of help I’ll be dusting off my passport in 2011 (and celebrating my fiftieth birthday in eight exotic locales).

Thanks for your help!

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